Back to annotated list of recent publications.
To obtain pdf copies of any of the publications either follow the indicated links or contact Dr. Geitmann.
Tertiary pulvinusat the base of a mimosa leaflet - a plant that is able to rapidly fold its leaves when touched. Micrograph by David Sleboda, pseudo-colored by Anja Geitmann
Cellulose in leaf surface cells labeled with calcofluor white. The confocal micrograph was modified for artistic purposes. This cover of the MSC Bulletin accompanies Bidhendi et al (2021). Cover art by AJ Bidhendi.
22 chapters with protocols for experiments on pollen and pollen tubes. In vitro, in vivo, semi-in vivo; Arabidopsis, Nicotiana, Camellia; basic protocols and sophisticated experimental designs.
Onion epidermis shown in a brightfield image superimposed by a finite element model of the tissue. Cover of a special issue on plant biomechanics in the journal Botany (Vol 98, Issue 1).
Cover art: AJ Bidhendi & A Geitmann
Artistic rendering of epidermis of Arabidopsis cotyledon, based on scanning electron micrograph. Cover of Plant Physiology (Vol 181, Issue 1).
Cover art: AJ Bidhendi & A Geitmann
Finite element modeling of pavement cell morphogenesis on the cover of Cell Reports (Vol 28, Issue 5). Cover art by AJ Bidhendi.
A special issue of the Journal of Experimental Botany (Vol 70, Issue 14) is dedicated to illustrating the state-of-the-art of plant biomechanics.
Cover art: AJ Bidhendi & A Geitmann
Book published in 2018 featuring a cross-section of research in plant biomechanics - ranging from wood and tree mechanics to hydraulics to cellular mechanics of plant development
Scanning electron micrograph of pollen tubes growing through the pistil of an Arabidopsis thaliana flower and entering ovules. Cover of Traffic (2011) Vol 12, Issue 11. Micrograph by F. Bou Daher, pseudo-coloured by A. Geitmann
Scanning electron micrograph of lily pollen grain on the title page of the Bulletin of the Microscopical Society of Canada, 2011
Micrograph by L. Pelletier
Scanning electron micrograph of germinated lily pollen grain on the title page of the Trends in Plant Science (2009) Vol 14, Issue 9
Micrograph by A. Geitmann
Scanning electron micrograph of germinated lily pollen grain combined with rendering of confocal micrograph of vesicle cone. Cover of Biophysical Journal (2009) Vol 97, Issue 7
Cover art by A. Geitmann
Book published in 2001 with contributions by the participants of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Tip Growth held in Siena, in 2000
Geitmann A. 2023. Seeing clearly—Plant anatomy through Katherine Esau's microscopy lens. Journal of Microscopy,
Kapoor K, Geitmann A. 2023. Pollen tube invasive growth is promoted by callose. Plant Reproduction, DOI 10.1007/s00497-023-00458-7. Free view-only version
Sleboda DA, Geitmann A, Sharif-Naeini R. 2023. Multiscale structural anisotropy steers plant organ actuation. Current Biology 33: 639–646
Read also an accompanying dispatch by Dorota Kwiatkowska.
Chebli Y, Geitmann A. 2023. Live fluorescence visualization of cellulose and pectin in plant cell walls. In: Pellicciari C, Biggiogera M, Malatesta M (eds) Histochemistry of Single Molecules: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition. Series Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer Science+Business Media, 2566: 269-279. Preprint.
Kapoor K, Geitmann A. 2023. Invasive growth in the life cycle of plants and fungi. In: Jensen K, Forterre Y (eds) Soft Matter in Plants: From Biophysics to Biomimetics. Royal Society of Chemistry, 203-226. Preprint.
Bidhendi AJ, Altartouri B, Geitmann A. 2023. 3D Visualization of microtubules in epidermal pavement cells. In: Hussey PJ, Wang P (eds), The Plant Cytoskeleton: Methods and Protocols,
Series Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer Science+Business Media, vol. 2604
Bidhendi AJ, Lampron O, Gosselin G, Geitmann A. 2022. Microscale geometrical features in the plant leaf epidermis confer enhanced resistance to mechanical failure. BioRxiv
Geitmann A, Mulder BM, Persson S, Spalding EP. 2022. Modeling the molecular structures and dynamics responsible for the remarkable mechanical properties of a plant cell wall. Faculty Reviews 11:(24)
Tanney CAS, Backer R, Geitmann A, Smith DL. 2021. Cannabis glandular trichomes: a cellular metabolite factory. Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 721986
Tran D, Petitjean H, Chebli Y, Geitmann A, Sharif-Naeini R. 2021. Mechanosensitive ion channels contribute to mechanically evoked rapid leaflet movement in Mimosa pudica. Plant Physiology 187: 1705-1712
Highlighted in a News-and-Views editorial by Kerri Hunter, Plant Physiology 187: 1276-1277
Yanagisawa N, Kozgunova E, Grossmann G, Geitmann A, Higashiyama T. 2021. Microfluidics-based bioassays and imaging of plant cells. Plant and Cell Physiology 62: 1239–1250
Chebli Y, Bidhendi AJ, Kapoor K, Geitmann A. 2021. Cytoskeletal regulation of primary plant cell wall assembly. Current Biology 31: R681–R695. Preprint.
Bidhendi AJ, Chebli Y, Geitmann A. 2021. Live imaging of cellulose and pectin in walls of growing plant cells. Bulletin of the Microscopical Society of Canada 47(1): 14-17
Zamil MS, Harland DP, Fisher BK, Davis MG, Schwartz JR, Geitmann A. 2021. Biomechanics of hair fibre growth: a multi-scale modelling approach. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 148: 104290. Preprint. More on this article.
Geitmann A. 2020. Travel less. Make it worthwhile. Cell 182: 790-793
Geitmann A (editor) 2020. Pollen and Pollen Tube Biology - Methods and Protocols. Series Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer Protocols. Humana Press. 332 pp.
Bou Daher F, Geitmann A. 2020. Galvanotropic chamber for controlled reorientation of the pollen tube growth and simultaneous confocal imaging of intracellular dynamics. In: Geitmann A (ed) "Pollen and Pollen Tube Biology - Methods and Protocols", Series Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer Protocols. Humana Press, 191-200
Bertrand-Rakusová H, Chebli Y, Geitmann A. 2020. Silicon chambers for pollen tube imaging. In: Geitmann A (ed) Pollen and Pollen Tube Biology - Methods and Protocols, Series Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer Protocols. Humana Press, 211-221
Bidhendi AJ, Zamil MS, Geitmann A. 2020. Assembly of a simple scalable device for micromechanical testing of plant tissues. In: Plant Cell Biology. Editors: Anderson CT, Haswell ES, Dixit R. Series: Methods in Cell Biology. Elsevier. 160: 327-348
Bidhendi AJ, Chebli Y, Geitmann A. 2020. Fluorescence visualization of cellulose and pectin in the primary plant cell wall. Journal of Microscopy 278: 164-181. Author version.
Reimann R, Kah D, Mark C, Dettmer J, Reimann T, Gerum RC, Geitmann A, Fabry B, Dietrich P, Kost B. 2020. Durotropic growth of pollen tubes. Plant Physiology 183: 558-569
Highlighted in a News-and-Views editorial by Emily Larson, Plant Physiology 183: 423-424
First author profile on Ronny Reimann is published on Plantae.
Geitmann A. 2020. Form follows function: How to build a deadly trap. Cell 180: 826-828
Bidhendi AJ, Li H, Geitmann A. 2020. Modeling the nonlinear elastic behavior of plant epidermis. Botany 98: 49–64
Geitmann A (editor special issue). 2020. Plant biomechanics: Methods, models, and materials. Botany, Vol 98, Issue 1.
Geitmann A. 2020. Plant Biomechanics - an interdisciplinary lens on plant biology (editorial). Botany 98: vii–viii
Altartouri B, Bidhendi AJ, Tani T, Conrad C, Chebli Y, Liu N, Karunakaran C, Scarcelli G, Geitmann A. 2019. Pectin chemistry and cellulose crystallinity govern pavement cell morphogenesis in a multi-step mechanism. Plant Physiology 181: 127-141
Highlighted in a News-and-Views editorial by Sidney L. Shaw, Plant Physiology 181: 9-11
Bidhendi AJ, Altartouri B, Gosselin FP, Geitmann. 2019. Mechanical stress initiates and sustains the morphogenesis of wavy leaf epidermal cells. Cell Reports 28: 1237-1250
Geitmann A (editor special issue). 2019. Plant biomechanics - Force, form and function. Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol 70, Issue 14.
Geitmann A, Niklas K, Speck T. 2019. Plant biomechanics in the 21st century. Journal of Experimental Botany 70: 3435-3438
Bidhendi AJ, Geitmann A. 2019. Methods to quantify primary plant cell wall mechanics. Journal of Experimental Botany 70: 3615–3648
Bidhendi AJ, Geitmann A. 2019. Geometrical details matter for mechanical modeling of cell morphogenesis. Developmental Cell 50: 117-125
Kaneda M, van Oostende-Triplet C, Chebli Y, Testerink C, Bednarek SY, Geitmann A. 2019. Plant AP180 N-Terminal Homolog (ANTH) proteins are involved in clathrin-dependent endocytosis during pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant and Cell Physiology 6: 1316–1330
Geitmann A, Gril J. 2018. Plant Biomechanics - From structure to function at multiple scales. Springer Verlag. 435 pp
Ghanbari M, Packirisamy M, Geitmann A. 2018. Measuring the growth force of invasive cells using Flexure Integrated Lab-on-a-Chip (FILoC). Technology 6: 101-109
Geitmann A. 2018. Bracing for abscission. Cell 173: 1320-1322
Bidhendi AJ, Geitmann A. 2018. Tensile testing of primary plant cells and tissues. In: Plant Biomechanics - From Structure to Function at Multiple Scales. Geitmann A, Gril J (eds), Springer Verlag, pp 321-347
Cameron C, Geitmann A. 2018. Cell mechanics of pollen tube growth. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 51: 11-17
Bidhendi AJ, Geitmann A. 2018. Finite element modeling of shape changes in plant cells. Plant Physiology 176: 41-56
Tran D, Galletti R, Neumann ED, Dubois A, Sharif-Naeini R, Geitmann A, Frachisse J-M, Hamant O, Ingram GC. 2017. A mechanosensitive Ca2+-channel activity is dependent on the developmental regulator DEK1. Nature Communications 8: 1009
Glory A, Triplet van Oostende C, Geitmann A, Bachewich C. 2017. Depletion of the mitotic kinase Cdc5p in Candida albicans results in the formation of elongated buds that switch to the hyphal fate over time in a Ume6p-dependent manner. Fungal Genetics and Biology 107: 51-66
van Oostende-Triplet C, Guillet D, Triplet T, Pandzic E, Wiseman PW, Geitmann A. 2017. Vesicle dynamics during plant cytokinesis reveals distinct developmental phases. Plant Physiology 174: 1544-1558
Zamil MS, Geitmann A. 2017. The middle lamella - more than a glue. Physical Biology 14, 015004
Chebli Y, Geitmann A. 2017. Cellular growth in plants requires regulation of cell wall biochemistry. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 44: 28-35
Rakusova H, Geitmann A. 2017. Pollen tip growth: Control of cellular morphogenesis through intracellular trafficking. In: Pollen Tip Growth - From Biophysical Aspects to System Biology, eds Obermeyer G, Feijo J, Springer, pp 129-148
Geitmann A. 2017. Microfluidics and MEMS (microelectromechanical systems)-based platforms for experimental analysis of pollen tube growth behavior and quantification of cell mechanical properties. In: Pollen Tip Growth - From Biophysical Aspects to System Biology, eds Obermeyer G, Feijo J, Springer, pp 87-103
Geitmann A. 2016. Actuators acting without actin. Cell 166: 15-17
Agudelo C, Packirisamy M, Geitmann A. 2016. Influence of electric fields and conductivity on pollen tube growth assessed via Electrical Lab-on-Chip. Nature Scientific Reports 6: e19812: 1-15
Bidhendi AJ, Geitmann A. 2016. Relating the mechanics of the primary plant cell wall to morphogenesis. Journal of Experimental Botany 67: 449-461
Sanati Nezhad A, Geitmann A. 2015. Tip growth in walled cells: Cellular expansion and invasion mechanisms. In: Cuerrier C, Pelling A (eds) Cells, Forces and the Microenvironment, Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd, pp. 335-356
Geitmann A, Nebenführ A. 2015. Navigating the plant cell: Intracellular transport logistics in the green kingdom. Molecular Biology of the Cell 26: 3373-3378
Altartouri B, Geitmann A. 2015. Understanding plant cell morphogenesis requires real time monitoring of cell wall polymers. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 23: 76–82
Chebli Y, Geitmann A. 2015. Live cell and immuno-labeling techniques to study gravitational effects on single plant cells. In: Blancaflor E (ed) "Plant Gravitropism", Series "Methods in Molecular Biology", Humana Press, 209-226
Geitmann A, Dyson R. 2014. Modeling of the primary plant cell wall in the context of plant development. In "Cell Biology", Assman S, Liu B (eds), Series "The Plant Sciences", Tester M, Jorgensen RA (eds)
Hamamura Y, Nishimaki M, Takeuchi H, Geitmann A, Kurihara D, Higashiyama T. 2014. Live imaging of calcium spikes during double fertilization in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications 5:4722
Sanati Nezhad A, Packirisamy M, Geitmann A. 2014. Dynamic, high precision targeting of growth modulating agents is able to trigger pollen tube growth reorientation. Plant Journal 80: 185-195
Sanati Nezhad A, Ghanbari M, Agudelo CG, Naghavi M, Packirisamy M, Bhat R, Geitmann A. 2014. Optimization of flow assisted entrapment of pollen grains in a microfluidic platform for tip growth analysis. Biomedical Microdevices 16: 23-33
Ghanbari M, Sanati Nezhad A, Agudelo CG, Packirisamy M, Geitmann A. 2014. Microfluidic positioning of pollen grains in lab-on-a-chip for single cell analysis. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 117: 504–511
Sanati Nezhad A, Geitmann A. 2013. The cellular mechanics of an invasive life style. Journal of Experimental Botany 64: 4709-4728
Sanati Nezhad A, Naghavi M, Packirisamy M, Geitmann A. 2013. Quantification of cellular penetrative forces using Lab-on-a-Chip technology and finite element modeling. PNAS 110: 8093–8098
Agudelo CG, Packirisamy M, Geitmann A. 2013. Lab-on-a-Chip for studying growing pollen tubes. In: Plant Cell Morphogenesis: Methods and Protocols, Series "Methods in Molecular Biology", eds. Žárský V, Cvrčková F, Springer. pp. 237-248
Sanati Nezhad A, Packirisamy M, Bhat R, Geitmann A. 2013. In vitro study of oscillatory growth dynamics of Camellia pollen tubes in microfluidic environment. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60: 3185-3193
Sanati Nezhad A, Naghavi M, Packirisamy M, Bhat R, Geitmann A. 2013. Quantification of the Young's modulus of the primary plant cell wall using Bending-Lab-On-Chip (BLOC). Lab on a Chip 13: 2599-2608
Chebli Y, Kroeger JH, Geitmann A. 2013. Transport logistics in pollen tubes. Molecular Plant 6: 1037–1052
Agudelo CG, Sanati Nezhad A, Ghanbari M, Naghavi M, Packirisamy M, Geitmann A. 2013. TipChip - a modular, MEMS-based platform for experimentation and phenotyping of tip growing cells. Plant Journal 73: 1057-1068
Chebli Y, Pujol L, Shojaeifard A, Brouwer I, van Loon JJWA, Geitmann A. 2013. Cell wall assembly and intracellular trafficking in plant cells are directly affected by changes in the magnitude of gravitational acceleration. PLoS One 8: e58246
Kroeger JH, Geitmann A. 2013. Pollen tubes with stiffer cell walls oscillate at lower frequencies. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 8: 25-34
Sanati Nezhad A, Ghanbari M, Agudelo CG, Packirisamy M, Bhat R, Geitmann A. 2013. PDMS microcantilever-based flow sensor integration for lab-on-a-chip. IEEE Sensors Journal 13: 601-609
Sun XD, Feng ZH, Meng LS, Zhu J, Geitmann A. 2013. Arabidopsis ASL11/ LBD15 is involved in shoot apical meristem development and regulates WUS expression. Planta 237:1367–1378
Agudelo CG, Sanati Nezhad A, Ghanbari M, Packirisamy M, Geitmann A. 2012. A microfluidic platform for the investigation of elongation growth in pollen tubes. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 22: 115009
Chebli Y, Kaneda M, Zerzour R, Geitmann A. 2012. The cell wall of the Arabidopsis thaliana pollen tube - spatial distribution, recycling and network formation of polysaccharides. Plant Physiology 160: 1940-1955
Kroeger JH, Geitmann A. 2012. The pollen tube paradigm revisited. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 15: 618–624
Chebli Y, van Loon J, Geitmann A. 2012. Live cell imaging under hyper-gravity conditions. Bulletin of the Microscopical Society of Canada, December 40: 8-13
Pietruszka M, Lipowczan M, Geitmann A. 2012. Persistent symmetry frustration in pollen tubes. PLoS One 7: e48087
Bou Daher F, Geitmann A. 2012. Actin Depolymerizing Factors ADF7 and ADF10 play distinct roles during pollen development and pollen tube growth. Plant Signaling & Behavior 7: 873-875
Palin R, Geitmann A. 2012. The role of pectin in plant morphogenesis. BioSystems 109: 397-402
Kroeger J, Geitmann A. 2012. Pollen tube growth: getting a grip on cell biology through modeling. Mechanics Research Communications 42: 32– 39
Speranza A, Scoccianti V, Crinelli R, Geitmann A. 2012. Reactive oxygen species are involved in pollen tube initiation in kiwifruit. Plant Biology 14: 64–76
Kroeger J, Geitmann A. 2011. Modeling pollen tube growth: Feeling the pressure to deliver testifiable predictions. Plant Signaling & Behavior 6: 1828-1830
Chebli Y, Geitmann A. 2011. Gravity research on plants: Use of single-cell experimental models. Frontiers in Plant Cell Biology 2, Article 56: 1-10
Geitmann A. 2011. Petunia. Evolutionary, developmental and physiological genetics. Book Review. Annals of Botany 107: vi-vii
Geitmann A. 2011. Generating a cellular protuberance - Mechanics of tip growth. In: Wojtaszek P (ed). Mechanical Integration of Plant Cells and Plants, Springer Verlag, pp. 117-132
Qi X, Kaneda M, Chen J, Geitmann A, Zheng H. 2011. Characterization of Arabidopsis Trs120 and Trs130 revealed a role for TRAPPII as RAB-A1c positive regulator that is crucial for plant development. Plant Journal 68: 234–248
Bou Daher F, Geitmann A. 2011. Actin is involved in pollen tube tropism through redefining the spatial targeting of secretory vesicles. Traffic 12: 1537–1551
Bou Daher F, van Oostende C, Geitmann A. 2011. Spatial and temporal expression of actin depolymerizing factors ADF7 and ADF10 during male gametophyte development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant and Cell Physiology 52: 1177–1192
Winship LJ, Obermeyer G, Geitmann A, Hepler PK. 2011. Pollen tubes and the physical world. Trends in Plant Science 16: 353-355
Kroeger JH, Zerzour R, Geitmann A. 2011. Regulator or driving force? The role of turgor pressure in oscillatory plant cell growth. PloS One 6: e18549
Geitmann A. 2010. Mechanical modeling and structural analysis of the primary plant cell wall. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 13: 693–699
Fayant P, Girlanda O, Chebli Y, Aubin C-E, Villemure I, Geitmann A. 2010. Finite element model of polar growth in pollen tubes. Plant Cell 22: 2579–2593
Winship LJ, Obermeyer G, Geitmann A, Hepler PK. 2010. Under pressure, cell walls set the pace. Trends in Plant Science 15: 363-369
Geitmann A. 2010. How to shape a cylinder: pollen tube as a model system for the generation of complex cellular geometry. Sexual Plant Reproduction 23: 63–71
Bouazizi H, Jouili H, Geitmann A, El Ferjani E. 2010. Copper toxicity in expanding leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L.: antioxidant enzyme response and nutrient element uptake. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73: 1304-1308
Aouar L, Chebli Y, Geitmann A. 2010. Morphogenesis of complex plant cell shapes - the mechanical role of crystalline cellulose in growing pollen tubes. Sexual Plant Reproduction 23: 15–27
Bouazizi H, Jouili H, Geitmann A, El Ferjani E. 2010. Cupric stress induces oxidative damage marked by accumulation of H2O2 and changes to chloroplast ultrastructure in primary leaves of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Acta Biologica Hungarica 61: 191-203
Geitmann A. 2010. Recent workshops on advanced image analysis at the IRBV. Bulletin of the Microscopical Society of Canada, Sept
Bouazizi H, Jouili H, Geitmann A, El Ferjani E. 2010. Structural changes of cell wall and lignifying enzymes modulations in bean roots in response to copper stress. Biological Trace Element Research 136:232–240
Kroeger JH, Bou Daher F, Grant M, Geitmann A. 2009. Microfilament orientation constrains vesicle flow and spatial distribution in growing pollen tubes. Biophysical Journal 97: 1822-1831
Zerzour R, Kroeger JH, Geitmann A. 2009. Polar growth in pollen tubes is associated with spatially confined dynamic changes in cell mechanical properties.. Developmental Biology 334: 437-446
Geitmann A, Ortega JKE. 2009. Mechanics and modeling of plant cell growth. Feature Review. Trends in Plant Science 14: 467-478
Geitmann A, Dumais J. 2009. Not-so-tip-growth. Plant Signaling & Behavior 4: 136-138
Bou Daher F, Chebli Y, Geitmann A. 2009. Optimization of conditions for germination of cold-stored Arabidopsis thaliana pollen. Plant Cell Reports 28: 347-457
Bove J, Vaillancourt B, Kroeger J, Hepler P, Wiseman PW, Geitmann A. 2008. Magnitude and direction of vesicle dynamics in growing pollen tubes using spatiotemporal image correlation spectroscopy (STICS). Plant Physiology 147: 1646-1658
Kroeger JH, Geitmann A, Grant M. 2008. Model for calcium dependent oscillatory growth in pollen tubes. Journal of Theoretical Biology 253: 363-374
Bouazizi H, Jouili, H, Geitmann A, El Ferjani E. 2008. Effect of copper excess on H2O2 accumulation and peroxidase activities in bean roots. Acta Biologica Hungarica 59: 233-245
Chebli Y, Bou Daher F, Sanyal M, Aouar L, Geitmann A. 2008. Microwave assisted processing of plant cells for optical and electron microscopy. Bulletin of the Microscopical Society of Canada 36(3): 15-19
Geitmann A, Palanivelu R. 2007. Fertilization requires communication: Signal generation and perception during pollen tube guidance. Floriculture and Ornamental Biotechnology 1: 77-89
Chebli Y, Geitmann A. 2007. Mechanical principles governing pollen tube growth. Functional Plant Science and Biotechnology 1: 232-245
Geitmann A. 2007. Cytomechanical tools for plant gravitational biology. Gravitational and Space Biology 20: 31-42
Gossot O, Geitmann A. 2007. Pollen tube growth: coping with mechanical obstacles involves the cytoskeleton. Planta 226: 405-416
Geitmann A, Gossot O. 2007. Structured illumination microscopy delivers what it promises. Bulletin of the Microscopical Society of Canada 35: 9-13
Geitmann A. 2006. Experimental approaches used to quantify physical parameters on cellular and subcellular level. American Journal of Botany 93: 1380-1390
Geitmann A. 2006. Plant and fungal cytomechanics – quantifying and modeling cellular architecture. Canadian Journal of Botany 84: 581-593
Bolduc JF, Lewis L, Aubin CE, Geitmann A. 2006. Finite-element analysis of geometrical factors in micro-indentation of pollen tubes. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 5: 227-236
Geitmann A, Steer M. 2006. The architecture and properties of the pollen tube cell wall. In: Malhó R (ed) The pollen tube. Springer Verlag. Plant Cell Monographs 3: 177-200
2005 and earlier
Parre E, Geitmann A. 2005. Pectin and the role of the physical properties of the cell wall in pollen tube growth of Solanum chacoense. Planta 220: 582-592
Parre E, Geitmann A. 2005. More than a leak sealant - the physical properties of callose in growing plant cells. Plant Physiology 137: 274-286
Geitmann A, Parre E. 2004. The local cytomechanical properties of growing pollen tubes correspond to the axial distribution of structural cellular elements. Sexual Plant Reproduction 17: 9-16
Geitmann A, Franklin-Tong VE, Emons AMC. 2004. The self-incompatibility response in Papaver rhoeas pollen causes early and striking alterations to organelles. Cell Death and Differentiation 11: 812-822
Geitmann A, McConnaughey W, Lang-Pauluzzi I, Franklin-Tong VE, Emons AMC. 2004. Cytomechanical properties of Papaver pollen tubes are altered after self-incompatibility challenge. Biophysical Journal 86: 3314-3323
Geitmann A, Cresti M, Heath IB (eds). 2001. NATO Science Series: Cell biology of plant and fungal tip growth. IOS Press, Amsterdam
Geitmann A, Franklin-Tong VE, Emons AMC. 2001. Early cellular events in pollen tubes during the self-incompatibility reaction. In: Geitmann A, Cresti M, Heath IB (eds). NATO Science Series: Cell biology of plant and fungal tip growth. IOS Press, Amsterdam
Geitmann A, Snowman B, Franklin-Tong VE, Emons AMC. 2000. Alterations in the actin cytoskeleton of the pollen tube are induced by the self-incompatibility reaction in Papaver rhoeas. Plant Cell 12: 1239-1251
Geitmann A, Emons AMC. 2000. The cytoskeleton in plant and fungal cell tip growth. Journal of Microscopy 198: 218-245
Heath IB, Geitmann A. 2000. Cell biology of plant and fungal tip growth - getting to the point. Plant Cell 12: 1513-1517
Snowman B, Geitmann A, Clarke SR, Staiger CJ, Franklin FCH, Emons AMC, Franklin-Tong VE. 2000. Signalling and the cytoskeleton in pollen tubes of Papaver rhoeas. Annals of Botany 85 Suppl A: 49-58
Snowman B, Geitmann A, Emons AMC, Franklin-Tong VE. 2000. Actin rearrangements in pollen tubes are stimulated by the self-incompatibility (SI) response in Papaver rhoeas L. In: The Actin Cytoskeleton in Plant Cells, eds. Baluska F, Barlow P, Staiger C, Volkmann D. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands
Geitmann A. 1999. Cell death of self-incompatible pollen tubes: necrosis or apoptosis? In: Sexual Plant Reproduction and Biotechnological Applications, eds. Cresti M, Cai G, Moscatelli A. Springer Verlag. pp. 113-138
Geitmann A. 1999. The rheological properties of the pollen tube cell wall. In: Sexual Plant Reproduction and Biotechnological Applications, eds. Cresti M, Cai G, Moscatelli A. Springer Verlag. pp. 283-302
Geitmann A, Cresti M. 1998. Ca2+ channels control the rapid expansions in pulsating growth of Petunia hybrida pollen tubes. Journal of Plant Physiology 152: 439-447
Geitmann A. 1997. Growth and formation of the cell wall in pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum and Petunia hybrida. Verlag Hänsel-Hohenhausen, Egelsbach Frankfurt Washington, ISBN 3-8267-2395-3
Geitmann A, Hush JM, Overall R. 1997. Inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis does not block microtubule re-orientation in wounded pea roots. Protoplasma 198: 135-142
Geitmann A, Wojciechowicz K, Cresti M. 1996. Inhibition of intracellular pectin transport in pollen tubes by Monensin, Brefeldin A and Cytochalasin D. Botanica Acta 109: 373-381
Geitmann A, Li YQ, Cresti M. 1996. The role of the cytoskeleton and dictyosome activity in the pulsatory growth of Nicotiana tabacum and Petunia hybrida pollen tubes. Botanica Acta 109: 102-109
Li YQ, Faleri C, Geitmann A, Zhang H-Q, Cresti M. 1995. Immunogold localization of arabinogalactan proteins, unesterified and esterified pectins in pollen grains and pollen tubes of Nicotiana tabacum L. Protoplasma 189: 26-36
Geitmann A, Hudák J, Vennigerholz F, Walles B. 1995. Immunogold localization of pectin and callose in pollen grains and pollen tubes of Brugmansia suaveolens - implications for the self-incompatibility reaction. Journal of Plant Physiology 147: 225-234
Geitmann A, Li YQ, Cresti M. 1995. Ultrastructural immunolocalization of periodic pectin depositions in the cell wall of Nicotiana tabacum pollen tubes. Protoplasma 187: 168-171
Gould SJ, Guo J, De Jesus K, Geitmann A. 1994. Nucleoside intermediates in blasticidin S biosynthesis identified by the in vivo use of enzyme inhibitors. Canadian Journal of Chemistry 72: 6-11